How Many People Make Money from our Premium Plan?


So, 21 persons subscribed to our premium plan last month December 2024. Currently, we have 119 subscribers who make money from our premium tips.

We work with a strategy which I have explained in the video below:

The journey has been excellent with our team providing the support so everything goes seamlessly.

In my 8 years of using math in betting, I have grown in confidence that betting is profitable unless the strategy is ignored.

You’ve probably been betting for years the way you do and losing. Some of you even waste money on Aviator and Virtual.

Based on my calculation, someone betting 5k as the starting amount should make a 70k plus profit at the end of the month.

Don’t you think it’s time for a change?

We’re not promising you millions every month but wouldn’t you like to make a good monthly profit? Think about it. Think about betting as a business rather than just gambling your money away.

Don’t be like Okoro who wants to use 200 to win 100,000 and has been trying for years without success.

Think about it. Be WISE!


4 thoughts on “How Many People Make Money from our Premium Plan?”

  1. 90richardjordan@gmail.com

    please how do I get code from this site I have already registered please someone should help me out this my Whatsapp number 09027690880

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